Murat Erkoc
Murat Erkoc
University of Miami FL
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Model predictive HVAC load control in buildings using real-time electricity pricing
M Avci, M Erkoc, A Rahmani, S Asfour
Energy and Buildings 60, 199-209, 2013
Managing capacity in the high-tech industry: A review of literature
SD Wu, M Erkoc, S Karabuk
The engineering economist 50 (2), 125-158, 2005
Impact of product pricing and timing of investment decisions on supply chain co-opetition
H Gurnani, M Erkoc, Y Luo
European Journal of Operational Research 180 (1), 228-248, 2007
Managing high‐tech capacity expansion via reservation contracts
M Erkoc, SD Wu
Production and Operations Management 14 (2), 232-251, 2005
Supply contracts in manufacturer‐retailer interactions with manufacturer‐quality and retailer effort‐induced demand
H Gurnani, M Erkoc
Naval Research Logistics (NRL) 55 (3), 200-217, 2008
Entry Deterrence of Capacitated Competition Using Price and Non‐Price Strategies
H Wang, H Gurnani, M Erkoc
Production and Operations Management 25 (4), 719-735, 2016
Residential HVAC load control strategy in real-time electricity pricing environment
M Avci, M Erkoc, SS Asfour
2012 IEEE Energytech, 1-6, 2012
Multi-stage onboard inventory management policies for food and beverage items in cruise liner operations
M Erkoc, ET Iakovou, AE Spaulding
Journal of Food Engineering 70 (3), 269-279, 2005
Freight consolidation with divisible shipments, delivery time windows, and piecewise transportation costs
AS Hanbazazah, L Abril, M Erkoc, N Shaikh
European Journal of Operational Research 276 (1), 187-201, 2019
Minimizing total weighted tardiness and overtime costs for single machine preemptive scheduling
F Jaramillo, M Erkoc
Computers & Industrial Engineering 107, 109-119, 2017
Overhaul planning and exchange scheduling for maintenance services with rotable inventory and limited processing capacity
M Erkoc, K Ertogral
Computers & Industrial Engineering 98, 30-39, 2016
Optimal capacity investment, and pricing across international markets under exchange rate uncertainty and duopoly competition
M Erkoc, H Wang, A Ahmed
Available at SSRN 3152729, 2018
Contract optimization with front-end fare discounts for airline corporate deals
J Pachon, M Erkoc, E Iakovou
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 43 (4 …, 2007
Multiple unit auctions with economies and diseconomies of scale
M Jin, SD Wu, M Erkoc
European Journal of Operational Research 174 (2), 816-834, 2006
New ways of thinking about nurse scheduling
DM Diaz, M Erkoc, SS Asfour, EK Baker
Journal of Advances in Management Research 7 (1), 76-93, 2010
Quality investment, inspection policy, and pricing decisions in a decentralized supply chain
M Erkoc, H Gurnani, S Ray, M Jin
Production and Operations Management 32 (1), 207-226, 2023
A game theoretic approach for load-shifting in the smart grid
M Erkoc, E Al-Ahmadi, N Celik, W Saad
2015 IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications …, 2015
Delivery‐date and capacity management in a decentralized internal market
M Erkoc, SD Wu, H Gurnani
Naval Research Logistics (NRL) 55 (5), 390-405, 2008
Design of predictable production scheduling model using control theoretic approach
S Cho, M Erkoc
International journal of production research 47 (11), 2975-2993, 2009
Modeling single machine preemptive scheduling problems for computational efficiency
F Jaramillo, B Keles, M Erkoc
Annals of Operations Research 285 (1), 197-222, 2020
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