Sebastian Fastenrath
Sebastian Fastenrath
University of Vienna, Department of Geography and Regional Research; University of Melbourne
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Cited by
Sustainability transition pathways in the building sector: Energy-efficient building in Freiburg (Germany)
S Fastenrath, B Braun
Applied Geography 90 (1), 339-349, 2018
Urban resilience in action: the resilient Melbourne strategy as transformative urban innovation policy?
S Fastenrath, L Coenen, K Davidson
Sustainability 11 (3), 693, 2019
Scaling-up nature-based solutions. Lessons from the Living Melbourne strategy
S Fastenrath, J Bush, L Coenen
Geoforum 116, 63-72, 2020
Lost in transition? Directions for an economic geography of urban sustainability transitions
S Fastenrath, B Braun
Sustainability 10 (7), 2434, 2018
Future-proof cities through governance experiments? Insights from the Resilient Melbourne Strategy (RMS)
S Fastenrath, L Coenen
Regional Studies 55 (1), 138-149, 2021
Rethinking regional economic resilience: Preconditions and processes shaping transformative resilience
M Trippl, S Fastenrath, A Isaksen
European Urban and Regional Studies 31 (2), 101-115, 2024
Green Building Transitions
J Affolderbach, C Schulz
Springer: Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany, 2018
Ambivalent urban sustainability transitions: Insights from Brisbane's building sector
S Fastenrath, B Braun
Journal of Cleaner Production 176, 581-589, 2018
Interactive knowledge generation in urban green building transitions
B Preller, J Affolderbach, C Schulz, S Fastenrath, B Braun
The Professional Geographer 69 (2), 214-224, 2017
Governing urban greening at a metropolitan scale: an analysis of the Living Melbourne strategy
J Bush, B Coffey, S Fastenrath
Australian Planner 56 (2), 95-102, 2020
Fragmentation and urban knowledge: An analysis of urban knowledge exchange institutions
A Dickey, A Kosovac, S Fastenrath, M Acuto, B Gleeson
Cities 131, 103917, 2022
Freiburg: The Emblematic Green City
S Fastenrath, B Preller
Green Building Transitions, 69-97, 2018
Mission-Oriented Innovation Districts: Towards challenge-led, place-based urban innovation
S Fastenrath, S Tavassoli, D Sharp, R Raven, L Coenen, B Wilson, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production, 138079, 2023
After the Hazelwood coal fired power station closure: Latrobe Valley regional transition policies and outcomes 2017-2020
J Wiseman, A Workman, S Fastenrath, F Jotzo
CCEP Working Papers, 2020
"Grünes" Bauen. Innovative Ansätze in Freiburg im Breisgau.
S Fastenrath
Geographische Rundschau 67 (5), 16-23, 2015
Urban resilience in action: the resilient melbourne strategy as transformative urban innovation policy? Sustainability 11 (3): 693
S Fastenrath, L Coenen, K Davidson
Transformative climate resilience and sport mega-events–the case of the Australian open
P Gollagher, S Fastenrath
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 48, 100762, 2023
Innovation und transformativer Wandel im Bausektor: Eine wirtschaftsgeographische Perspektive
S Losacker, S Fastenrath
Nachhaltige Transformation und resilienter Strukturwandel in Regionen, 63-87, 2023
Why we need more challenge-oriented innovation
S Fastenrath
Transformationsgesellschaft. Visionen und Strategien für den …, 2022
Mission-oriented innovation districts: the Australian context
D Sharp, S Fastenrath, S Tavassoli, R Raven, L Coenen, ...
10th State of Australasian Cities National Conference, 1-3 December 2021 …, 2022
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