Drew A. Carey
Drew A. Carey
Principal Scientist, CoastalVision
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Towards a greater understanding of pattern, scale and process in marine benthic systems: a picture is worth a thousand worms
M Solan, JD Germano, DC Rhoads, C Smith, E Michaud, D Parry, ...
Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology 285, 313-338, 2003
Offshore wind farm artificial reefs affect ecosystem structure and functioning
S Degraer, DA Carey, JWP Coolen, ZL Hutchison, F Kerckhof, B Rumes, ...
Oceanography 33 (4), 48-57, 2020
Particle resuspension in the benthic boundary layer induced by flow around polychaete tubes
DA Carey
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 40 (S1), s301-s308, 1983
Sedimentological effects and palaeoecological implications of the tube‐building polychaete Lanice conchilega Pallas
DA Carey
Sedimentology 34 (1), 49-66, 1987
The use of sediment profile imaging (SPI) for environmental impact assessments and monitoring studies: lessons learned from the past four decades
RN Gibson, RJA Atkinson, JDM Gordon, IP Smith, DJ Hughes
Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review 49, 235-298, 2011
Characterizing the role benthos plays in large coastal seas and estuaries: A modular approach
KR Tenore, RN Zajac, J Terwin, F Andrade, J Blanton, W Boynton, ...
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 330 (1), 392-402, 2006
Nutrient uptake by a deposit-feeding enteropneust: Nitrogenous sources
DA Carey, L Mayer
Marine Ecology-Progress Series 63 (1), 79, 1990
Flatfish habitat use near North America's first offshore wind farm
DH Wilber, DA Carey, M Griffin
Journal of Sea Research 139, 24-32, 2018
Biology and ecology of Long Island sound
G Lopez, D Carey, JT Carlton, R Cerrato, H Dam, R DiGiovanni, C Elphick, ...
Long Island Sound: prospects for the urban sea, 285-479, 2014
Fluorometric detection of tracer particles used to study animal‐particle dynamics
DA Carey
Limnology and Oceanography 34 (3), 630-635, 1989
Use of laser line scan for assessment of response of benthic habitats and demersal fish to seafloor disturbance
DA Carey, DC Rhoads, B Hecker
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 285, 435-452, 2003
Demersal fish and invertebrate catches relative to construction and operation of North America's first offshore wind farm
DH Wilber, L Brown, M Griffin, GR DeCelles, DA Carey
ICES Journal of Marine Science 79 (4), 1274-1288, 2022
Marine habitat mapping of the Milford Haven Waterway, Wales, UK: Comparison of facies mapping and EUNIS classification for monitoring sediment habitats in an industrialized estuary
DA Carey, M Hayn, JD Germano, DI Little, B Bullimore
Journal of Sea Research 100, 99-119, 2015
Plan-view photos, benthic grabs, and sediment-profile images: using complementary techniques to assess response to seafloor disturbance
SJK Wilson, TJ Fredette, JD Germano, JA Blake, PLA Neubert, DA Carey
Marine pollution bulletin 59 (1-3), 26-37, 2009
Chemical stability of capped dredged material disposal mounds in Long Island Sound, USA
TJ Fredette, JD Germano, DA Carey, PM Murray, PG Kullberg
Chemistry and Ecology 7 (1-4), 173-194, 1992
Effects of the block island wind farm on coastal resources
DA Carey, DH Wilber, LB Read, ML Guarinello, M Griffin, S Sabo
Oceanography 33 (4), 70-81, 2020
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Saccoglossus kowalewskyi (Agassiz)
DA Carey, JW Farrington
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 29 (2), 97-113, 1989
Multi-modal approach for benthic impact assessments in moraine habitats: a case study at the Block Island Wind Farm
ML Guarinello, DA Carey
Estuaries and Coasts 45 (4), 1107-1122, 2022
Rates and effects of sedimentation in the context of dredging and dredged material placement
JD Germano, D Cary, Engineer Research and Development Center (US), ...
US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, 2005
Twenty-five years of dredged material disposal site monitoring in Long Island Sound: A long-term perspective
TJ Fredette, PG Kullberg, DA Carey, RW Morton, JD Germano
Proceedings of the Long Island Sound Research Conference, 153-161, 1992
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Articles 1–20