Matt White
Cited by
Cited by
Selecting thresholds for the prediction of species occurrence with presence‐only data
C Liu, M White, G Newell
Journal of biogeography 40 (4), 778-789, 2013
On the selection of thresholds for predicting species occurrence with presence‐only data
C Liu, G Newell, M White
Ecology and evolution 6 (1), 337-348, 2016
Measuring and comparing the accuracy of species distribution models with presence–absence data
C Liu, M White, G Newell
Ecography 34 (2), 232-243, 2011
How useful are species distribution models for managing biodiversity under future climates?
SJ Sinclair, MD White, GR Newell
Ecology and Society 15 (1), 2010
A comprehensive evaluation of predictive performance of 33 species distribution models at species and community levels
A Norberg, N Abrego, FG Blanchet, FR Adler, BJ Anderson, J Anttila, ...
Ecological Monographs, e01370, 2019
Plant extinction risk under climate change: are forecast range shifts alone a good indicator of species vulnerability to global warming?
DA Fordham, H Resit Akçakaya, MB Araújo, J Elith, DA Keith, R Pearson, ...
Global change biology 18 (4), 1357-1371, 2012
Integrating conservation planning and landuse planning in urban landscapes
A Gordon, D Simondson, M White, A Moilanen, SA Bekessy
Landscape and urban planning 91 (4), 183-194, 2009
Using single-and multi-target regression trees and ensembles to model a compound index of vegetation condition
D Kocev, S Džeroski, MD White, GR Newell, P Griffioen
Ecological Modelling 220 (8), 1159-1168, 2009
Measuring the accuracy of species distribution models: a review
C Liu, M White, G Newell
Proceedings 18th World IMACs/MODSIM Congress. Cairns, Australia 4241, 4247, 2009
Animal movements in fire‐prone landscapes
D Nimmo, S Avitabile, S Banks, R Bliege Bird, K Callister, M Clarke, ...
Biological Reviews 94 (3), 981-998, 2019
The effect of sample size on the accuracy of species distribution models: considering both presences and pseudo‐absences or background sites
C Liu, M White, G Newell
Ecography 42 (3), 535-548, 2019
AusTraits, a curated plant trait database for the Australian flora
D Falster, R Gallagher, EH Wenk, IJ Wright, D Indiarto, SC Andrew, ...
Scientific data 8 (1), 254, 2021
Integrated species distribution models: combining presence‐background data and site‐occupancy data with imperfect detection
V Koshkina, Y Wang, A Gordon, RM Dorazio, M White, L Stone
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8 (4), 420-430, 2017
Hotspots of plant invasion predicted by propagule pressure and ecosystem characteristics
JA Catford, PA Vesk, MD White, BA Wintle
Diversity and Distributions 17 (6), 1099-1110, 2011
High fire frequency and the impact of the 2019–2020 megafires on Australian plant diversity
RV Gallagher, S Allen, BDE Mackenzie, CJ Yates, CR Gosper, DA Keith, ...
Diversity and Distributions 27 (7), 1166-1179, 2021
Assessing the impacts of biodiversity offset policies
A Gordon, WT Langford, JA Todd, MD White, DW Mullerworth, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 26 (12), 1481-1488, 2011
A robust technique for mapping vegetation condition across a major river system
SC Cunningham, R Mac Nally, J Read, PJ Baker, M White, JR Thomson, ...
Ecosystems 12, 207-219, 2009
Species distribution modelling for conservation planning in Victoria, Australia
C Liu, M White, G Newell, P Griffioen
Ecological Modelling 249, 68-74, 2013
Transparent planning for biodiversity and development in the urban fringe
SA Bekessy, M White, A Gordon, A Moilanen, MA Mccarthy, BA Wintle
Landscape and Urban Planning 108 (2-4), 140-149, 2012
Identifying wildlife corridors for the restoration of regional habitat connectivity: A multispecies approach and comparison of resistance surfaces
C Liu, G Newell, M White, AF Bennett
PloS one 13 (11), e0206071, 2018
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Articles 1–20