Alan R. Graefe
Alan R. Graefe
Professor of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management, Penn State
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Influence of terrorism risk on foreign tourism decisions
SF Sönmez, AR Graefe
Annals of tourism research 25 (1), 112-144, 1998
Determining future travel behavior from past travel experience and perceptions of risk and safety
SF Sönmez, AR Graefe
Journal of travel research 37 (2), 171-177, 1998
Attachments to recreation settings: The case of rail‐trail users
RL Moore, AR Graefe
Leisure sciences 16 (1), 17-31, 1994
Testing the dimensionality of place attachment in recreational settings
G Kyle, A Graefe, R Manning
Environment and behavior 37 (2), 153-177, 2005
Effects of place attachment on users’ perceptions of social and environmental conditions in a natural setting
G Kyle, A Graefe, R Manning, J Bacon
Journal of environmental psychology 24 (2), 213-225, 2004
An examination of the relationship between leisure activity involvement and place attachment among hikers along the Appalachian Trail
G Kyle, A Graefe, R Manning, J Bacon
Journal of leisure research 35 (3), 249-273, 2003
The moderating role of place attachment on the relationship between attitudes toward fees and spending preferences
GT Kyle, JD Absher, AR Graefe
Leisure sciences 25 (1), 33-50, 2003
Effect of activity involvement and place attachment on recreationists' perceptions of setting density
G Kyle, A Graefe, R Manning, J Bacon
Journal of leisure Research 36 (2), 209-231, 2004
Social carrying capacity: An integration and synthesis of twenty years of research
AR Graefe, JJ Vaske, FR Kuss
Leisure Sciences 6 (4), 395-431, 1984
Visitor impact management: The planning framework
A Graefe, FR Kuss, JJ Vaske
(No Title), 1990
An examination of recreationists' relationships with activities and settings
G Kyle, K Bricker, A Graefe, T Wickham
Leisure Sciences 26 (2), 123-142, 2004
Examining the antecedents of destination loyalty in a forest setting
J Lee, AR Graefe, RC Burns
Leisure Sciences 29 (5), 463-481, 2007
An exploration of the specialization concept within the context of heritage tourism
DL Kerstetter, JJ Confer, AR Graefe
Journal of Travel Research 39 (3), 267-274, 2001
Service quality, satisfaction, and behavioral intention among forest visitors
J Lee, AR Graefe, RC Burns
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 17 (1), 73-82, 2004
Nature tourism constraints: A cross-activity comparison
GP Nyaupane, DB Morais, AR Graefe
Annals of tourism research 31 (3), 540-555, 2004
Predictors of behavioral loyalty among hikers along the Appalachian Trail
G Kyle, A Graefe, R Manning, J Bacon
Leisure Sciences 26 (1), 99-118, 2004
Backcountry encounter norms: Theory, method and empirical evidence
JJ Vaske, B Shelby, AR Graefe, TA Heberlein
Journal of leisure research 18 (3), 137-153, 1986
Gender and ethnic variations in urban park preferences, visitation, and perceived benefits
CH Ho, V Sasidharan, W Elmendorf, FK Willits, A Graefe, G Godbey
Journal of leisure research 37 (3), 281-306, 2005
Visitor impact management
FR Kuss, AR Graefe, JJ Vaske
National Parks and Conservation Association, 1990
Testing a conceptual framework of responsible environmental behavior
SP Cottrell, AR Graefe
The Journal of Environmental Education 29 (1), 17-27, 1997
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Articles 1–20